Old Friends and New, Another Murder Read online

Page 14

  Leah’s mouth had dropped at Brett’s explanation. “That would surely count for something.”

  Fabry chimed in. “That gives him means. The drugs are not only part of how he carried it off, but motive. By Jarvit’s own report, Cabot threatened to turn him in. On top of that, he was going to pull all his financial backing, not to mention his relationship with Celeste. Opportunity? The last anyone saw Landry was after the dinner, talking with Jarvit. In his ranting, it wasn’t clear how he got Landry to the woods, but he had opportunity.”

  We all nodded. “What about Celeste?”

  “Jarvit never implicated her in the murder, she didn’t have the gun. She wasn’t even living in the house when the package confirmed to be drugs was delivered. She will have a lot to sort out.” Fabry laughed before he continued. “She was already wrapping her web around Jarvit’s attorney after she asked Cabot for financial advice and he refused.”

  “Will anything else happen with regard to the drugs?”

  “Charges are pending for Jarvit. Several smaller dealers under him and Dr. Antos are being arrested as well.”

  Leah barely contained herself. “It blew me away when I heard Austin had been arrested, never mind that he didn’t have a degree or experience teaching. I mean I figured out he was involved somehow and he gave me the creeps, but, wow, to think I’ve been working with a con artist and drug dealer all this time. And somehow administration hadn’t found that out when they did a background check before he was hired.”

  “Makes you wonder, doesn’t it? I had to be ‘cleared’ to teach the little ones – even fingerprinted.”

  I nodded to Melina. “When I worked as a psychologist, I had to be fingerprinted as well. What actually is included in a background check and how effective is it?”

  Fabry laughed. “It likely varies. In many cases, the organization or employer asks for a criminal background check that screens for specific problems. In most positions with contact with minors, the question is whether they were arrested for anything indicative of pedophilia or child molestation or child abuse. In a hospital setting, a red flag is often drug charges. For a trucking company, drugs or DUI violations.”

  “A lot could get missed then?”

  “If it’s a quick criminal check looking for specific things, then yes. A comprehensive background check is just that – comprehensive. It includes educational records, employment records, and even financial records like credit history. And it’s a lot more expensive and takes longer to do.”

  “Now, we all have to provide a copy of our diploma with each of our degrees.” Leah shook her head.

  “What better means to have access to students who might be good candidates for designer drugs – or any other drugs?”

  “Just plain scary.”

  “Sheridan, Kim, did you ever decide what to do about Skinner?”

  “I gave it some thought and he was helpful in the investigation and following orders. And his ‘message’ could have been a lot worse than a sprained ankle.”

  “He agreed to pay for the window and no one was hurt. Sheridan and I discussed it and talked to him. We decided to give him his second chance.”

  “What about Max and those houses? And all those businesses?” I sure hoped Max wasn’t going to lose his house.

  Marty chimed in there. “Someone will decide on who owns the Moss Builders and LLC. The homeowners still own the property. The businesses? If the franchise goes under, they have to make a choice to go under or re-establish with a new name and no one supporting them.”

  “Enough of this. Isn’t that a volleyball court over there? Anyone up for a game – adults against kids?” Vanna asked. Being new to the group, she didn’t quite get the debrief party after a murder.

  Karla and I became the score keepers and cheer leaders, with Cocoa at our feet. It was a good feeling to see everyone enjoying the last few days before the cold of winter. My thoughts sprung to the holidays and arranging some training for Cocoa.

  Author Notes

  About Christa Nardi

  Christa Nardi is an avid reader with her love of mysteries beginning with Nancy Drew and other teen mysteries. She especially enjoys cozy mysteries with less gore and no graphic violence. At the same time, she enjoys traditional mystery and crime stories as well. Christa has been a long time writer from poetry and short stories to mystery series. Christa is a member of Sisters in Crime.

  You can find Christa Nardi at: Amazon, Goodreads, Twitter, BookBub, Pinterest, and Facebook. You can contact her at [email protected].

  Check out her blog - Christa Reads and Writes (https://www.christanardi.blogspot)

  Check out her website – (https://cccnardi.wixsite.com/mysite)

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  Follow her on BookBub (https://www.bookbub.com/authors/christa-nardi)

  Series by Christa Nardi

  The Cold Creek Series by Christa Nardi:

  Murder at Cold Creek College (Cold Creek #1)

  Murder in the Arboretum (Cold Creek #2)

  Murder at the Grill (Cold Creek #3)

  Murder in the Theater (Cold Creek #4)

  Murder and a Wedding (Cold Creek #5)

  Sheridan Hendley Mysteries by Christa Nardi:

  A New Place, Another Murder (A Sheridan Hendley Mystery #1)

  Dogs and More Dogs, Another Murder (A Sheridan Hendley Mystery #2)

  Old Friends and New, Another Murder (A Sheridan Hendley Mystery #3)

  Holly and Mistletoe, Another Murder ( A Sheridan Hendley Holiday Mystery) – coming in 2020

  Stacie Maroni Mysteries by Christa Nardi:

  Prestige, Privilege & Murder (A Stacie Maroni Mystery #1)

  Foundations, Funny Business & Murder (A Stacie Maroni Mystery #2)

  Deception, Denial & Murder (A Stacie Maroni Mystery #3)

  The Hannah and Tamar Mysteries for Young Adults with Cassidy Salem:

  The Mysterious Package (A Hannah and Tamar Mystery)

  Mrs. Tedesco’s Missing Cookbook (A Hannah and Tamar Mystery)

  The Misplaced Dog (A Hannah and Tamar Mystery)

  Malicious Mischief (A Hannah and Tamar Mystery)